Our privately designed curriculum is specifically geared for each group skill level and requirements.
We craft the material and curriculum around the individual groups. Criteria considered during this include, but are not limited to : Educational levels, length of stay, culture of origin as well as specific material requests. Feel free to contact us with any inquiries.
Short-term groups
Friendship Chain offers an immersed educational homestay program that creates the optimal environment for students to learn English.
Our "In Class" curriculum for short-term groups is designed to enhance the students ability to be confident in an English environment.
Classes, combined with educational trips, sightseeing adventures, and local student envolvement creates the optimal learning experience for students.
Additionally, Friendship Chain International is fully insured and is dedicated to maintaining the safest and most efficient eductaional experience. Our host families are fully screened and referenced to ensure a stress free place to live and learn.